Wild About Life 

Since the onset of my cancer diagnosis and spinal cord injury I have questioned the medical system with great deposition. I have asked the same questions that many of you have asked—why me?  I have read many, many articles and read numerous books and publications on these topics and investigated numerous alternative choices.  I created this website to share this knowledge with you, my followers, and to spread the word that there is other ways to manage our health and well-being other than conventional therapies.  To survive a devastating illness, disease or disability, one must balance all aspects of the self—mind, body, spirit and soul.

If you have arrived at my website it is probably for one of the following reasons:

You or someone you care about has ...

... cancer, a chronic illness or a disability and you are discouraged with life, but you want to find Love, Life and Happiness!Living Life

Psychology, Ego and the Brain... an interest in the psychology of the mind and the ego and how they relate to health and wellness!

Meditation and Mindfulness... a desire to understand the principles of meditation and mindfulness to incorporate them into your wellness journey!

Nutrition and Food... a need to know what foods are best for cancer or a chronic illness and their nutritional value!

Fitness and Exercise... a chronic illness or injury and need to know what exercises or a fitness routine would be best!

Living with Cancer... cancer, and you want to know more to be able to help them!

Living with a Disability... a disability, and you want to know more to be able to help them!

Living with a Spinal Cord Injury... a spinal cord injury, and you want to know more to be able to help them!

You want to be inspired to heal and live your life in state of wellness on all levels - MIND, BODY, SPIRIT & SOUL

Follow my own healing journey as I post snippets into my life, my ups and downs and my own struggles with cancer and a spinal cord injury that has left me disabled, living life in a wheelchair.

On this website I will outline by summarizing my findings from my research into manageable categories and topics.  Under RESOURCES, you will find recommended books, articles, podcasts and videos that I am personally recommending.  Hopefully, you will find them as inspiring as I have. 

Under PRODUCTS, I have provided recommendations for products that I have found to be beneficial to myself and that others have recommended to me based on their own personal experiences, health and wellness journey.  I am hoping that this website will allow us to grow together..

If you have a book, an article, a product that you would like to recommend, or if you would like to share your own wellness journey, a testimonial to one of my products please CONTACT ME.

"Once you start believing that something is possible, you start to let it into your awareness
and it starts to become true to you.
" -- Anita Moorjani