
The following is a growing library of reference material including book reviews and articles that I am offering to my followers.  If you would like to share a book review of your own or an article that you feel would compliment what this website offers, CONTACT ME.



The Miracle Morning

The No-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8am)

By Hal Elrod

I can’t say enough about this book.  It is a true inspiration.  What this man went through in his life and how he has risen not once, not twice, but three times through adversity to be a beacon of light for all of us.  There are so many incredible accolades for Hal Elrod on the back cover, forward, intro and at the back of the book, not to mention on his website and on the internet.

After reading this book, I realized that I have already been doing these steps every morning.  I just am not disciplined enough.

Here is an excerpt from the back cover of the book:  "Getting everything you want out of life isn’t about doing more: it’s about becoming more.  Hal Elrod and The Miracle Morning have helped millions of people become the person they need to be to create the life they’ve always wanted.  Now, it’s your turn to become your best you.  Hal’s revolutionary S.A.V.E.R.S. method is simple, effective step-by-step process to transform your life in as little as six minutes per day."

Here is what the publisher has to say about this book.

Start waking up to your full potential every single day with the updated and expanded edition of the groundbreaking book that has sold more than two million copies.

“So much more than a book. It is a proven methodology that will help you fulfil your potential and create the life you’ve always wanted.” —Mel Robbins, New York Times bestselling author of The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule

Getting everything you want out of life isn’t about doing more. It’s about becoming more. Hal Elrod and The Miracle Morning have helped millions of people become the person they need to be to create the life they’ve always wanted. Now, it’s your turn.

Hal’s revolutionary SAVERS method is a simple, effective step-by-step process to transform your life in as little as six minutes per day:

  • Silence: Reduce stress and improve mental clarity by beginning each day with peaceful, purposeful quiet
  • Affirmations: Reprogram your mind to overcome any fears or beliefs that are limiting your potential or causing you to suffer
  • Visualization: Experience the power of mentally rehearsing yourself showing up at your best each day
  • Exercise: Boost your mental and physical energy in as little as sixty seconds
  • Reading: Acquire knowledge and expand your abilities by learning from experts
  • Scribing: Keep a journal to deepen gratitude, gain insights, track progress, and increase your productivity by getting clear on your top priorities

Watch The Miracle Morning Movie below on You Tube or download here.

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Radical Hope

10 Key Healing Factors from Exceptional Survivors of Cancer & Other Diseases

By Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D

This book complements many of the other books listed on this website where survivors of cancer and other chronic disease have overcome to survive well beyond what doctors and health care providers expected.  This book complements others in its accolades for alternative health care practices, techniques, supplements and more. 

Radical HopeThe following ten key approaches to healing are covered at length including numerous case studies.

  • Radically changing your diet
  • Using herbs and supplements
  • Embracing exercise as a lifelong habit
  • Taking control of your health
  • Following your intuition
  • Releasing suppressed emotions
  • Increasing positive emotions
  • Embracing social support
  • Deepening your spiritual connection
  • Having strong reasons for living

Except from the back cover:  From recognizing the importance of self-empowerment to identifying the strong reasons they have for living, these survivors have taken ownership of their approach to healing, thereby giving themselves the best chance for a longer and healthier life, with the ultimate goal of achieving remission.  With warmth, realness, and a true sense of hope, Turner shines the spotlight on the pure strength of the human spirit and offers steadfast support and guidance to help you make the unique and individual decisions necessary in your powerful journey of healing.

Here is what the publisher has to say about this book.

Real-life stories from survivors of cancer and other diseases who have used the 9 key factors from the New York Times best-selling Radical Remission, with updated research and a tenth key factor revealed.

Following the publication of the New York Times best-selling Radical Remission, researcher Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D., has collected hundreds of new cases of radical remissions--from cancer and now also other diseases--from across the globe. In Radical Hope, Turner explores the real-life application of the Radical Remission principles and the people who have chosen to take this journey.

Each chapter shares a survivor's in-depth story and their use of one of the ten key Radical Remission healing factors. Turner provides updated scientific research and new tips for each factor, and unveils a tenth key factor for integration into your healing approach. Male and female, young and old, these survivors recognize that by taking ownership of their approach to healing, they are giving themselves the best chance for a longer and healthier life, with the ultimate goal of achieving remission.

With warmth, realness, and a true sense of hope, Turner shines the spotlight on the pure strength of the human spirit and offers steadfast support and guidance for making the unique and individual decisions that lead to a powerful journey of healing.

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Making Life Easy

A Simple Guide to a Divinely Inspired Life

By Christiane Northrup, M.D.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  Read it from cover to cover.  Dr. Northrup combines her own personal stories with those of patients that have been presented with an obstacle in their lives that make them have to stop and look at themselves, reassess and create a plan of action for change and going forward.  All of these changes are related to how the brain and the body interact.   All of these things are affected by the environment, diet and one’s belief systems which create the sense of well-being on all levels–Mind, Body & Soul.

Here is what the publisher has to say about this book:

You know Dr. Christiane Northrup as the best-selling author of books such as Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause—a beloved and trusted expert on everything that can go right with the female body. Now she brings her wisdom and insight to illuminate the mind, soul, and spirit as well.

In this joyfully encouraging new book—as useful for men as it is for women—Dr. Northrup explores the essential truth that has guided her ever since medical school: our bodies, minds, and souls are profoundly intertwined. Making life flow with ease, and truly feeling your best, is about far more than physical health; it’s also about having a healthy emotional life and a robust spiritual life. When you view your physical well-being in isolation, life can become a constant battle to make your body “behave.” When you acknowledge the deep connection between your beliefs and your biology and start to tune in to the Divine part of yourself, it’s a whole new ballgame—and the first step in truly making your life easy.

Take charge of your well-being as you learn to:

  • Untie the knots of blame and guilt that harm your health
  • Use sexual energy consciously to increase vitality
  • Balance your microbiome through healthy eating
  • Cultivate a healthy ego that serves you (not vice versa)
  • Communicate directly with the Divine
  • And much more

Drawing on fields from epigenetics to past-life regression to standard Western medicine, Dr. Northrup distills a brilliant career’s worth of wisdom into one comprehensive user’s guide to a healthy, happy, radiant life.

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You Can Conquer Cancer

A New Way of Living
by Ian Gawler

Ian Gawler was a young practising veterinarian living in Australia.  In 1975 he was diagnosed with bone cancer and had his right leg amputated at the hip.  He underwent an intensive series of cancer treatments and then went off to India and China to master meditation and mindfulness which he says is one of the key factors along with diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle changes to conquering cancer.

Gawler gives guidance about  treatment options, meditation as a tool for healing and cancer fighting nutrition, food and diet.  He gives explanations about the difference between a wellness diet and the healing diet.

Gawler emphasizes the power of the mind throughout this book.  The importance of family, social support and the spiritual dimension of life.  This book is a unique guide to help people overcome the difficult challenges that they have to face with their cancer diagnosis.

As one book reviewer states:

"Regardless of religious beliefs or life situations, any reader would benefit from the Mindfulness-Based Stillness Meditation (MBSM) techniques clearly outlined here. There are many user-friendly books that teach basic meditation, but this edition is particularly unique in its authors’ life stories and expertise in the mind-body connection. … in India learning from masters at a Tibetan monastery, and Gawler, diagnosed with swiftly fatal osteogenic sarcoma at the age of 24, overcame his painful disease through meditation and lifestyle change and has remained cancer-free since 1978."-- Kirkus Review

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A New Way of Life
by David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D.

Anti CancerThis is a good book that covers a lot of research and gives examples of patients, their journey through cancer and why they survived beyond medical expectations.

After being diagnosed with cancer and given a short period of time to live, the author changed many things in his life from diet and purchasing quality foods to meditation and mindfulness.  As a medical practitioner, he has access to an incredible data base of case studies which he shares in this book.  As quoted from the back cover of the book…

“Meticulously researched and easy to read…An absolutely indispensable guide for cancer survivors and anyone who wants to adopt healthy lifestyles in order to prevent cancer.” – Dr. Richard Beliveau

“AntiCancer fills an important gap in our knowledge of how patients can contribute to their own care by supplementing conventional medial treatment.” – John Mendelsohn M.D.

This author really digs into the “mind over matter” scenario and how the power of the mind has the power to heal our bodies.

One of the case studies that the author highlights in this book is that of Ian Gawler, an Australian vet who was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer and given weeks to live, and who underwent a whole leg amputation.  Ian Gawler has gone on to survive 30+ years and has written a number of books, including the one that I will be referencing on this website called, “You Can conquer Cancer.”

I divinity recommend this book, especially to anyone in the medical profession that is helping patients to survive their cancer diagnosis.

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You Can Heal Your Life

"The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences."

by Louise Hay

You Can Heal Your LifeI have had this book in my library since it was first published in 1999 and I have referred to it many, many times over the years for inspiration, insights and motivation.

Louise's key message in this powerful book is: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed."  She explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness.  She shows how you can change your thinking—and improve the quality of your life!

Louise Hay nailed it in this book.  She has covered everything in beautifully coloured and illustrated pages.  Chapter 15 is list taken from her book “Heal Your Body” which is a great quick check in on the body part that is causing pain, grief, irritation.  The insights guide the reader to delve deeper into their own story to help unravel the mystery of what the body is saying.

Louise explains how our beliefs, ideals and ideas are often the cause of our illness.  This book shows you how to change your thinking and improve the quality of your life.

An absolute must for anyone wanting to bring consciousness into their way of life.  Thank you Louise for this book, an amazing legacy.

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The Anatomy of Hope

How People Prevail in the Face of Illness

by Jerome Groopman, M.D.

Anatomy of HopeThe author is a doctor of oncology/hematology with over 30 years experience.  He is definitely well versed in mainstream cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) and maintenance support drugs.  He also has extensive experience and knowledge related to research which he goes into extensively throughout the book to validate is conclusions.

Throughout this book, the author gives references to numerous case studies as he explores why some people survive serious illnesses which lead him to study the deeper concepts of “hope” and define false hope vs. true hope.  He connects with other researchers throughout the book.

Building on his own personal experience with a debilitating illness, he comes closer to understanding the meaning of “hope” and relates it back to many of his case studies.

In his own words: “Hope…is vital to our lives as the very oxygen that we breathe. … The question—why some people find and hold on to hope while others do not—was what moved me to write this book.”

I would recommend this book for all medical professionals as it will help one to understand how to talk and treat their patients incorporating the many languages of “hope”.

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