
The following is a growing library of reference material including book reviews and articles that I am offering to my followers.  If you would like to share a book review of your own or an article that you feel would compliment what this website offers, CONTACT ME.



The Science of Nutrition

Debunk the Diet Myths and Learn How to Eat Well for Health and Happiness

By Rhiannon Lambert

The Science of NutritionWhat a beautiful book.  Well illustration.  Concise and to the point covering all aspects of nutrition from how the body digests and utilizes nutrients; to good food vs bad food, good habits vs bad habits; to building up the immune system, bones, heart, lungs and digestive system.  Another great DK published book and one for the book shelf.

Here is what the publisher says about this book:

Is a vegan diet healthier? Should I try going low-carb? Is it always a bad idea to skip a meal? Are superfoods all they're cracked up to be? Is fat still bad for you? Can I eat to improve my chances of conceiving?

Science of Nutrition cuts through the noise of conflicting diet advice with clear answers backed up by the very latest research.

Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to nutrition, this ground-breaking book has the answers to all your food-related questions, covering every conceivable topic―from gut bacteria to weight management, to heart health and immune support, to vegan diets and intermittent fasting, and everything in between.

With an accessible Q&A approach and informative graphics, this nutrition book will debunk popular food myths and diets, redefine nutrition in the modern world, and enable you to make informed decisions that are best suited to you, about what, when, and how to eat.

The book's easily digestible and evidence-based advice empowers you to explore the benefits and importance of nutrition, alongside the downright misleading when it comes to the world of food and diet, and to equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence to assess and enhance your approach to nutrition.

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How Not to Die Cookbook

100+ Recipes to Help Prevent and Reverse Disease 
by Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM

How Not to Die Cookbook⭐⭐⭐⭐Dr. Greger presents a beautifully-designed, comprehensive cookbook complete with more than 120 recipes for delicious, life-saving, plant-based meals, snacks, and beverages that's a perfect gift for healthy conscious eaters.

Rooted in the latest nutritional science that Greger presented in his book “How Not to Die,”these easy-to-follow recipes with complimentary photographed recipes make this book very appealing to followers of Dr. Greger’s work. 

As someone who is not into cooking, following recipes, cooking shows, etc., I found this book very appealing; easy to search and decipher which recipes best fit my personal diet routine.  For someone who is no longer able to cook for myself, this book offers me the opportunity to share this book with my family


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How Not to Die

Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
by Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM

How Not to Die⭐⭐⭐⭐Dr. Michael Greger presents how simple plan-based food choices help us liver healthier lives.  He describes which foods to eat to prevent may of the leading causes of disease-related deaths.  He shows how diets based on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and tubers may save lives.

Greger provides references to many of the latest scientific studies on how to fight disease.  His obvious goal throughout the book is to prove that providing the right nutrition to the body will prevent disease.

In addition to showing what to eat and what not to eat, Greger provides a list of the top fifteen causes of death. Gregor provides a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day to combat diseases.  The book is full of practical, actionable advice and nutritional science.

I personally found good references for combating cancer and thus I am able to create my own list of foods to eat and not to eat.  Gregor also provides a lot of information on supplements and how they can compliment one’s diet or interfere with food absorption or how the body uses nutrients from both.

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The Alkaline Life

New Science to Rebalance Your Body, Reverse Aging, and Prevent Disease
by Ross Bridgeford

Alkaline LIfeThe Alkaline Life, is a compliments all of the other books that I have reviewed that go extensively into the importance of diet to balancing, combating and curing many illnesses and diseases including cancer.

In this book, the author discuses the differences between alkaline and acid diets and describes clearing the difference food choices and how they affect our bodies.  All of this relating to lifestyle changes, which again, is what all of these books promote. The last chapters in this book give good references for ideal foods, diets, daily menu plans and shopping lists.

The author outlines the basic principles for living a long-term alkaline lifestyle and targeting specific health issues such as chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune conditions, thyroid healing, and immunity building recommendations.

For me, the most powerful chapter is the one on “Addressing Cancer” where he states:  “The role of acidity in cancer risk is significant, and addressing this can bring huge hope. …What I want to do over the next few pages is give you the big-picture role of diet-induced acidosis in cancer risk and the confidence to know that by following the Alkaline Life Plan, you can greatly reduce it.

For me, personally, this book made me really get serious about my lifestyle, food, diet and my own battle against cancer.

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Drop Acid

The surprising new science of uric acid—the key to losing weight, controlling blood sugar and achieving extraordinary health

by David Perlmutter, M.D.

Drop AcidWhat do obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease; stroke, neurological disorders and premature death have in common? All can be stoked by high uric acid levels.

Today’s scientific literature is bursting with evidence that elevated uric acid levels lie at the root of many pervasive health conditions, but mainstream medicine for the most part remains unaware of this connection. This is especially alarming because many people don't know they are suffering from sky-high levels, putting them at risk for developing or exacerbating potentially life-threatening illnesses.

David Perlmutter offers a blend of science and practical advice, Drop Acid exposes the deadly truth about uric acid and teaches invaluable strategies to manage its levels, including:

  • Simple dietary edits focused on reducing fructose and foods high in 'purines' that can raise uric acid.
  • Natural hacks that lower levels such as consuming tart cherries, vitamin C, quercetin, and coffee.
  • Identifying common pharmaceuticals that threaten to increase uric acid.
  • Lifestyle interventions, like restorative sleep and exercise.
  • How to easily test your uric acid levels at home - a test routinely performed in your doctor's office during regular check-ups but typically ignored.

The author introduces his ground-breaking 'LUV' (Lower Uric Values) diet, 35 delicious recipes, self-assessment quizzes and a 21 day program for dropping levels, Drop Acid empowers readers with the information they need to address this hidden danger and live longer, leaner and healthier lives.

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Kick Diabetes Essentials

The Diet and Lifestyle Guide—A Diet and Lifestyle Blueprint
by Brenda Davis, RD

Kick Diabetes EssentialsThis book is not just for anyone with diabetes.  It contains all the perfect recommendations for anyone with cancer, heart disease, or any other chronic illness.  The following is taken from the back of the book:

Research shows that following a plant-based diet not only can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes but, can also reverse the disease.  Brenda Davis (Registered Dietician) deciphers the latest scientific evidence and explains why and how a whole-food, plant0focused diet can benefit anyone with this devastating disease.

Well-designed plant-based diets work because they address the root causes of diabetes.  They maximize powerful protective dietary components that are concentrated in plant foods and work together to ease inflammation and oxidative stress, stabilize blood glucose levels, enhance gut micro flora, and keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check.  At the same time, plant-based diets minimize the harmful components concentrated in highly processed foods and animal products.

Lifestyle adjustments in conjunction with improved dietary habits are essential for achieving and maintaining diabetes health goals.  Stress management, exercise, adequate sleep, social activity, and a healthy weight all contribute to a balanced trinity of physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional stability.

“Kick Diabetes Essentials is a gold mind for people with diabetes.  It is packed with solid scientific evidence, practical guidelines, and carefully constructed recipes.  Brenda Davis is my favourite go-to-dietitian.  You can rest assured that you are in very capable hands.” — Michael Greger, MS (How Not To Die)

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