
The following is a growing library of reference material including book reviews and articles that I am offering to my followers.  If you would like to share a book review of your own or an article that you feel would compliment what this website offers, CONTACT ME.


Articles | Substacks

Survivor-Net Article on Mutliple Myeloma

The following article is posted on Survivor-Net and is a great overview of Multiple Myeloma.  It highlights a few celebrities and their journey through their cancer diagnosis.  It also gives a great short description of what Multiple Myeloma is, how it originates in the body and the treatments for this disease.


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People Who Are Surviving Multiple Myeloma

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How I Didn’t Let Cancer Stop Me from Thriving

This is an excellent story of Anna Renault who is a 40 year survivor of cancer.  (All 9 Times)  She writes for

"Surviving cancer is anything but easy. Doing it once may be the toughest thing you ever do. For those who’ve done it more than once, you know firsthand that it never gets easier."

"Having a purpose in life keeps me alive and determined to fight. It’s the bigger picture that keeps me focused through the hardships. I know it’s possible for anyone out there fighting the great fight."

To view the full article, Click Here.

The following is a YouTube video in which Anna Renault talks about her 40 year journey through cancer treatments including surgeries.




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Coping With a Disability: 9 Ways to Move Forward

It's not unusual to experience mental distress after the onset of a disability. Advocating for yourself and seeking support are important in the short and long term.

By , Journalist
Posted by Disability

Updated 12/01/2022

"One in four adults in the U.S. are living with a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That's 61 million people, or 26% of the adult population, not an insignificant number.

If you've recently been diagnosed with a permanent disability, you might find yourself struggling to adjust to your diagnosis. Or, if your disability isn't new, the ongoing stress of managing it can take a toll.

But on top of adjusting to and coping with life with a disability, you might also find yourself experiencing new or heightened mental health struggles. As you'll learn here, there are resources to help you move forward."

CLICK HERE to view the full article

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10 Things Living with a Disability Teaches You

Disability Horizons - Lifestyle
Photo of Raya Al-Jadir • Raya Al-Jadir • 18/12/2020

Woman wearing a black silk strap top with pink and blue hair and a prosthetic arm

"If you have a disability, you’ll know that although life will throw you a number of challenges and frustrations, they can ultimately lead to learnings and even positives. As we come to the end of a very difficult 2020, our writer Raya lists 10 things living with a disability can teach you – giving you strength for a better 2021. 

Across the media, TV and films, the idea that disability is the worse thing that can happen to anyone is so often repeated. And this misconception is played out in society.

I frequently meet people who truly believe that being disabled is worse than being in prison. As a disabled person, I know this isn’t true.

Yes, there are obstacles we have to overcome, and often many more than the average non-disabled person. But it is for this very reason that disability can enrich your life rather than devalue it.

I, along with many other disabled people, have learnt so many things through living with a disability – and I’m a better person for it."

Article By Raya AlJadir

CLICK HERE to view the full article.

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10 Things to Know About Living with a Disability

CBC producer Alisha Dicks has some advice on how to talk to and treat people with disabilities

Alisha Dicks · CBC News · 

Living with a disability can sometimes be frustrating, expensive and isolating. But, as the CBC's Alisha Dicks knows, it's so much more than that. Her disability has taught her to think creatively and look at things from a different perspective. In her series, Access with Alisha, she gives us a look into her life, and others living with a disability, and helps break down barriers for others.

The language we use regarding people with disabilities changes regularly. These days, the words you hear often are "acceptance" and "inclusion."

But what do they really mean?


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