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The Alkaline Life

New Science to Rebalance Your Body, Reverse Aging, and Prevent Disease
by Ross Bridgeford

Alkaline LIfeThe Alkaline Life, is a compliments all of the other books that I have reviewed that go extensively into the importance of diet to balancing, combating and curing many illnesses and diseases including cancer.

In this book, the author discuses the differences between alkaline and acid diets and describes clearing the difference food choices and how they affect our bodies.  All of this relating to lifestyle changes, which again, is what all of these books promote. The last chapters in this book give good references for ideal foods, diets, daily menu plans and shopping lists.

The author outlines the basic principles for living a long-term alkaline lifestyle and targeting specific health issues such as chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune conditions, thyroid healing, and immunity building recommendations.

For me, the most powerful chapter is the one on “Addressing Cancer” where he states:  “The role of acidity in cancer risk is significant, and addressing this can bring huge hope. …What I want to do over the next few pages is give you the big-picture role of diet-induced acidosis in cancer risk and the confidence to know that by following the Alkaline Life Plan, you can greatly reduce it.

For me, personally, this book made me really get serious about my lifestyle, food, diet and my own battle against cancer.

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