
The following is a growing library of reference material including book reviews and articles that I am offering to my followers.  If you would like to share a book review of your own or an article that you feel would compliment what this website offers, CONTACT ME.


How To Follow An Anti-Cancer Diet

After being diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, Chris strictly followed an anti-cancer diet and shares his tips on how to follow a diet of natural cancer fighting foods, an essential diet for cancer patients. http://

Kendra asks, "I am 30 years old with 3 children and I was diagnosed with colon cancer in March of this year. I haven't done any chemo. I was supposed to be on the diet that you did but I let the temptations of all the foods I used to eat get to me and I gave in. So of course the cancer has spread. It's so hard to completely change eating habits especially when one loves food as much as I do. What do you eat on your salads if anything? Is it okay to eat something I enjoy every now and then?"


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