My first appointment with my oncologist after the stem cell replacement treatment was mid-August. It was simply weigh in, bloodwork and a quick review. Everything looks good and he wanted me to agree to taking the Lenalidomide chemotherapy pill as a maintenance a.s.a.p. I told him I would think about it. More research to be done on this subject before I make a decision.
Day by day my strength is coming back. I have started taking a heavy regime of vitamin supplements to get my immune system back up to where it was before the chemotherapy. I have been reading a lot of books and doing a lot of internet research on many topics. I not only have cancer, but I also have a spinal cord injury that goes along with it to consider.
By the end of August, I was able to do 20 minutes on my special exercise bike which is ideal for me to pull up to on my wheelchair and peddle. Unfortunately, I have to wait for someone to be available to lock my feet in and take me off when I am done. I usually wait for my granddaughter to come home from school and put me on the machine. By mid-September, I have graduated to 25 minutes at which time my legs start to shake with neuropathy, so that is my current limit. At the end of September, I have increased the tension and graduated to 30 minutes.
I have added small weights to legs and arms which I am incorporating into my daily bed exercises. I have setbacks where I have to pull back on the weights. Some days the exercises cause me fatigue.
I think the biggest disappointment that I have had this month is with the neuropathy in my legs. It has gotten better at night since I added glucosamine to my supplement regime. During the day, especially after I have had a good exercise routine workout, my legs feel swollen with the neuropathy. Nothing I do seems to relax them, not even resting in bed.
My hair is just starting to grow back. There is a little fuzz appearing on my bald head. I have had perfect teeth all my life. Almost no cavities. I am still having boughts of incontinence that has been happening since the stem cell replacement. With aging, I have had receding gums, however, after the stem cell treatment and that large dose of chemotherapy (Melfalin), I have noticed that my gums are receding more and they are very sensitive. My teeth are becoming more yellow/grey as opposed to white. I researched the effects of chemotherapy on teeth and I am experiencing exactly what is to be expected. I wish more of these after/side effects would have been discussed with me by the oncology team. I will refer to it as a team, as the medical system bounces you around from one person to another, I believe this is done so that nobody gets attached to the patient and they can cover up their inconsistencies and mistakes.
On a positive note, I am very excited that I have found a used Batec Mini wheelchair power-drive. I have not got it yet. It is very expensive even as a used piece of equipment. This device will allow me to go across the grass and along the gravel laneway. I will be able to get out to the barn, the greenhouse, visit the cows and play with my dog. I am very excited about this. Will keep you posted.